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Content Creation Wizardry

Content creation should be well-planned and executed on an ongoing bais to get the maximum benefit. The core of it should be a blog which becomes yoru platform- a home pase to place posts, artibes and other content.

Take a look at our content creation bpackages below.

Business Blogging/Articles

After we agree on important elements such as keywords, topics, and target audiences, we will ghost-write blog posts and articles for your business. We base rates on the level of writer you choose and the complexity of the project. The following chart shows you general price range for a monthly package of blog posts/articles of different lengths.

Level 400 words 600 words 800 words 1,000 words
3-star $64 $96 $128 $160
4-star $112 $168 $224 $280
5-star $240 $360 $480 $600

We offer packages of 4, 8, 12 articles. You can order as many packages as you like. They can be used for blogs, newsletters, article syndication

Note: Longer blog posts generally rank higher. The average content length for a web page that ranks in the top 10 results for any keyword on Google has at least 2000 words.

Premium Content

Case studies

Credibility and proven results are more critical than ever in converting prospects to customers. That's why well-done case studies are so effective. The following prices for two-page case studies include up to 2 interviews with key members of your company for each case study.

3 Star Writer $500
4 Star Writer $800
5 Star Writer $1100

Press releases

3 Star Writer $200
4 Star Writer $300
5 Star Writer $400

(To make sure your press releases stick longer in Google, check out our PRBoost package)

white papers (10 pages- text)

3 Star Writer $1800
4 Star Writer $220
5 Star Writer $2700

Content marketing is more effective when you use mulitple formats. We apply our content creation wizardry to many different formats. See below: formats we

  • Kindle books/eBooks
  • Slide shows
  • Special Reports
  • webinars
  • Videos
  • teleseminar scripts

For a price quote contact us.



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Content Creation Wizardry

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